An Overview of Machine Learning: What it is and How it Works

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February 17, 2023
An Overview of Machine Learning: What it is and How it Works
One of the most advanced forms of artificial intelligence in use is machine learning. We talk about the what and how of this rapidly growing technology.

One of the most advanced forms of artificial intelligence in use today is machine learning. It’s the technology powering our show recommendations, our support chatbots, and catering to our social media feeds.

While we interact with these features every day, we rarely pay attention to what is happening in the background - meaning the deployment of complex systems that are able to improve themselves with time.

So why is machine learning so important? The reason is that it can save companies a lot of time and money - in fact, research has shown that more than sixty percent of companies surveyed already used machine learning programs, and almost all respondents had plans to implement it at some point in the future.

In this article, we’ll dive into how the technology works and some of the more prevalent business use cases.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning can be thought of as the part of artificial intelligence that is made to mimic human behavior as closely as possible, particularly when it comes to problem-solving and analysis.

The goal of this technology is to develop computer models that exhibit similar decision-making to humans - so they need to be able to understand natural language, visual inputs, and much more. The development of these models includes preparing them to program themselves based on new information they receive. 

The inputs, therefore, are key to the success of the model. The raw data that the model is trained on can include things like numbers, images, text, reports, and many other formats. The data is used to teach the model, and the more data you have the better the model.

In development, a software engineer would look for a machine learning model that suits their needs, and provide the model with the right data. The model then takes this data and extrapolates from it in order to discover patterns or make predictions based on what it learns. Typically, some data is kept aside from the actual training data to be used in the evaluation of how accurate the model is. With enough effort, the model can be used on multiple different types of data.

There are multiple types of machine learning, which we’ll discuss in more detail below:

  1. Supervised machine learning models. These are models that are prepared with labeled data sets that make the model more accurate as it goes along. Say that you give the model pictures of flowers that have been labeled to study. Given enough time and information, the model will start to identify the flowers without the labels needed. Supervised machine learning models are ultimately AI algorithms that make use of labeled data sets in order to become more accurate.
  2. Unsupervised machine learning. Unsupervised machine learning is a branch of machine learning that focuses on the discovery of patterns and structure in datasets with no labels or predetermined categories
  3. Reinforcement machine learning. Reinforcement machine learning is an AI technique that uses rewards and punishments to train machine learning models. For example, if a machine learning model is being used for stock market trading, it will receive a reward for making a successful trade and receive a penalty for unsuccessful trades.

Now that we have a clearer idea of the different types of machine learning, we can delve deeper into where these different types are put into action.

Machine Learning In Natural Language Processing

More people than ever before are familiar with this kind of machine learning thanks to things like ChatGPT and Microsoft’s new Bing AI. This field of machine learning specializes in interpreting natural language processes as they are spoken and used by humans. These models are able to not only recognize language but also respond in turn - sometimes to much amusement.

The same technology is applied to voice-enabled devices like Google Home or Amazon’s Alexa. There are also other exciting applications - things like Google Translate and speech recognition, chatbots, and automatic text summarization are only a few of the current use cases.

Neural Networks And Machine Learning

Here we find a complex application of machine learning that has to do with modeling the system to be similar to the human brain with millions of interconnected nodes working together to reach an overall goal. This could be by having a computer learn how to perform a task by analyzing different labeled training examples.

Neural networks can be used for image recognition, natural language processing, voice-enabled devices, and other machine learning tasks.

Neural networks are used extensively in deep learning, where machine learning models must interpret large amounts of data to recognize patterns and make predictions. For example, they can be used to classify objects in images by recognizing shapes and objects within them. Deep learning neural networks also power natural language processing (NLP), allowing machine learning models to understand free-form text like speech or sentences written in books or reports.

AI and Deep Learning

Deep learning models are layered, similar to neural networks, which allows them to work with large amounts of data. This approach is also modeled similarly to the human brain and is used in recognition systems and much more.

It works by taking large sets of labeled data and using them as input for machine learning models. This is done by creating layers of interconnected nodes, each node representing an individual concept or feature in the data set. The nodes are then connected to one another and trained on the input so that the machine can recognize patterns and identify important features in the data.

Deep learning has made a great impact on machine learning due to its ability to process large amounts of data at once and perform complex computations quickly. This enables machine learning models to make decisions far faster than traditional approaches such as decision trees or logistic regression. Deep Learning also excels at uncovering complex relationships between variables that would otherwise be difficult for machine learning algorithms to detect. With deep learning, it is possible to build powerful models which can detect trends and patterns from large datasets with greater accuracy than ever before.

Deep learning techniques have been successfully applied in various areas such as fraud detection and medical diagnosis where results can benefit greatly from predictive analytics or pattern recognition abilities offered by deep neural networks.

How Companies Are Already Using Machine Learning

As mentioned earlier, we have more interactions with machine learning on a daily basis than we truly realize. 

Netflix is an excellent example of machine learning in action. Netflix uses machine learning algorithms to personalize its content for individual users, allowing them to receive tailored recommendations for what to watch next. It does this by analyzing data about user interactions with content - from ratings and reviews to search history and click-through behavior - in order to create a personalized

But machine learning is also used in a variety of other settings, including chatbots which are found all over the internet. With machine learning, chatbots can learn from the data they gather over time - their interactions with users, and user feedback - and use it to continuously improve their performance and accuracy in responding to user queries. By using machine learning for natural language processing, machine-driven customer service can become faster and more efficient than ever before.

Why Work With Machine Learning Experts

Outsourcing machine learning projects to an expert agency can provide many benefits. An experienced machine learning agency will be able to provide a tailored approach that is suited specifically to the needs of your business. They will also have access to the latest technologies, machine learning frameworks, and data science methods – all of which are necessary for developing machine learning models with state-of-the-art accuracy and performance.

The machine learning experts at an agency will also bring specialized knowledge and experience to the table. This could include expertise in specific machine learning techniques or deep knowledge of data science methods suitable for a particular problem domain. In addition, they will be able to advise you on strategies for improving model performance as well as suggest alternative approaches if the current setup is not producing satisfactory results.

After working on dozens of ML projects (and having a dedicated team), our ML scientists know how to train the models to uncover your problem. Our team is constantly testing "what's possible" and willing to go the extra 1% in accuracy.

Our data scientists can handle all of your data-related requirements including software development, labeling, and modeling. After the algorithm is tested, we wrap the solution in a cloud infrastructure to deliver a fully functioning ML solution - it's that easy. Contact us today to discover more about how we can help your next SaaS project succeed!

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