
Building a great product is a journey, and you don’t have to do it alone. We’re experts at taking your big ideas and turning it into a intuitive & differentiated product.

What is it like to build a project with NineTwoThree?

The best results are accomplished by experienced teams who already worked together on multiple projects, failed and learned a lot. We challenge ideas and status quo. Each teammate is not only a world class specialized operator but also an independent thinker. A human-centric product design and need-focused approach to business building sets us apart from Software Development Agencies of the past.
Our Process

Ready To Develop? We got you.

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Successful projects are built on trust and transparency

We are entrepreneurs, and we treat your digital product as if it were our own startup. Our process is designed to uncover the biggest and scariest unknowns right away, so you can rest assured that your app will meet its business goals and make you money.
Learn: we learn everything we can about your market until we’re experts so every part of the product meets your business goals
Ideate: we love to brainstorm and generate ideas with you. On every call we bring insights to both business and technical challenges
Build: sit back and let us build you a flawless product. Our work is fully transparent, which means you will get regular updates
Launch: before we even begin development, we're already planning a go-to-market strategy with you to ensure product adoption.
Building a digital product is a journey


After 10 years of making technology bets and building products here’s our current Tech Stack:
process-logo-technology-node -js
Node JS
Microsoft SQL Server
Amazon Web Services
Microsoft Azure

Full Transparency Development

NineTwoThree believes a full transparency development approach paves the way for more informed decisions, fewer bottlenecks during the development process, better resource management, and a product of higher quality.
Our Clients have full visibility into the project structure, development status, schedule, as well as any issues that may come up along the way.

No hidden costs, no hidden releases, no surprises.

Each member of the NineTwoThree team for this project will communicate with each other in the development board allowing the Client to monitor their questions and concerns - and jump in at any time! This method allows the Client to have the option to be as involved as necessary with the process.

In addition, NineTwoThree will provide status updates throughout the development process. This includes weekly calls, demos, and sprint reviews to show the current functionality.
how it works? Management

We manage our projects on - Customers love it.

Startup Mindset for Enterprise Development

How NineTwoThree applies a startup mindset to enterprise web & mobile app development to craft digital ventures that compete with smaller, agile, and innovative competitors.
Successful enterprise mobile app development becomes easier when possessing a startup mindset. This approach requires a project team with state of the art technical skills combined with business acumen. This team needs to be nimble and flexible, able to quickly react to any changes based on market analysis, user testing, and more. Of course, familiarity with modern iterative software development methodologies, like Agile, definitely helps.

Other aspects of a startup mindset help optimize the effort of crafting digital ventures, from enterprise mobile apps to interactive websites. One critical factor involves working at a high rate of velocity, including not being afraid of trying out new ideas and potentially breaking things. The project team understands that this approach ultimately results in a more stable and effective app once deployed. In fact, this agile mindset helped supercharge the growth of many top technology companies, including Facebook and Spotify.

In the end, the modern business world is defined by rapid change and fierce competition. Success in this environment, especially when engaging in enterprise mobile app development, benefits from an entrepreneurial spirit – even at larger businesses

Our Happy Customers

as of January 1st, 2024
* 17 More Under NDA

User Stories

A user story is an informal, natural language description of one or more of Client’s features in the project. A user story is a tool used in Agile software development to capture a description of a software feature from an end-user perspective. A user story describes the type of the Client’s end user, what they want and why. 923 will use that story as a "to-do" list called development tasks that help the Client determine the steps along the project's path and ensure that the Client’s real life user journey is as expected.

A user story is defined on Client’s User Story Board, in three stages:

Epic Description: The brief description of the need
Updates / Notes: The conversations that happen between the Client and Agency per user story.
Status: The progress of developing this user story into Client’s product.

Why Us

We are a boutique shop that takes personal interest in the success of our project. Pavel and Andrew have built 75 apps in all different industries and will understand what it will take to succeed.
Every project on our website was built by an Engineer and Designer that still works for NineTwoThree.

We create a working environment that is fun, friendly, and energetic. Our clients love our energy and transparency.

We have only had 1 client out of 50 that didn’t build a second phase with us.

Development Board Management

A development board is where the project will be managed internally and externally. There will be a Development Board for each platform of the project - i.e. iOS, Android, Web Application.

Breaking down into Sprints

NineTwoThree follows an iterative approach to project management and software development called Agile. In Agile development, all projects are broken down into Sprints, a set period of time during which specific work is completed and made ready for review.

NineTwoThree breaks down all projects into one or two-week Sprints. This will be represented by the colored grouping on the development board. A Sprint will be named after a large piece of functionality like “User Profile” or “Login Flow”. Each Sprint is broken up into a series of features called “Tasks” that are necessary for building out the functionality in this Sprint. At the end of each Sprint, the development team will deploy the latest features to the testing platform, and once reviewed and validated by the QA team, will be presented to the Client’s team for review

Task Description

Task Details

Building a custom app as an influencer is a powerful monetization tool that goes beyond the average social media platform. That's why Facebook, Instagram, and other influencer collaboration platforms aren't up to scratch.

Want to build an in-app tipping system or influencer marketplace store? Consider it done. Want to create different levels of subscription for your audience to access exclusive content? Totally doable. Want to set up a space where you can live stream or have potential sponsors reach out to you?

The choice is all yours and the sky is the limit. No third-party app giant needed.

Checklist in the task

Each task includes a checklist based on the requirements. During the task development the person that is working on the task should check the item once completed in the checklist. In this flow it is clear on what stage the task is and how much work is remaining. Once all points are completed and the PR is created, the task can be moved to the ‘Developed’ status.  During the testing QA engineer should uncheck the item that is not completed or the bug was found.

Item ID

Item ID is an auto-generated number created by as new tasks are created. Team members can search by Item ID when looking for or referencing a specific task.


Each task will have a developer or systems engineer assigned to them. This will be the person responsible for developing the functionality for this task. NineTwoThree might also include designers here as well to ensure the screen gets designed before development begins, or to make updates as necessary throughout the development process.

User Stories

NineTwoThree will link user stories to this portion of the board so that clients can understand which user stories are being addressed by the proposed task. It is a good way for NineTwoThree to verify that the SOW is fully complete, and each user story is crossed off as is completed.


NineTwoThree designers are responsible to complete each task before the developer approaches the ticket. All projects include a foundational phase in which NineTwoThree will release the design of a “Golden Path”, which will provide the basic structure of the client's product. However, each screen needs to be meticulously scrutinized, which is why designers have to address each task. The status of this column will inform the Client if the design task is complete, being worked on, or still needs to be done. Additionally, if a change is requested from the customer or after an internal review, the ticket will be marked as Needs UI or Needs Changes.

Development/QA Status

NineTwoThree designers are responsible to complete each task before the developer approaches the ticket. All projects include a foundational phase in which NineTwoThree will release the design of a “Golden Path”, which will provide the basic structure of the client's product. However, each screen needs to be meticulously scrutinized, which is why designers have to address each task. The status of this column will inform the Client if the design task is complete, being worked on, or still needs to be done. Additionally, if a change is requested from the customer or after an internal review, the ticket will be marked as Needs UI or Needs Changes.


Priority represents the task’s criticality and affects the order the task will be developed by 923. The list is reviewed by the Client prior to any development and the order is set by the client.

The priority of bugs is determined by the type of the bug: functional and UI. The functional ones are fixed first. The UI bugs are reviewed by the team and in case the UI issue blocks the end user, it is fixed right after the functional bug. If the UI bug is just a cosmetic change needed, it could be postponed until the end of the sprint.

Tested By

Every feature will be tested by QA. However, as a team NineTwoThree sometimes jump in to help to test the applications. You will see many resources use this field to demonstrate that they too have tested the task. NineTwoThree recommends Client to use this column to show they have tested specific features and even use it as a placeholder.


Every feature will be tested by QA. However, as a team NineTwoThree sometimes jump in to help to test the applications. You will see many resources use this field to demonstrate that they too have tested the task. NineTwoThree recommends Client to use this column to show they have tested specific features and even use it as a placeholder.


The build column displays what build includes the feature. Once the mobile developer prepares the build, they should change the tasks status to “To be Tested”, and specify the build number in which the QAs can test the feature.

Due Dates

Building a custom app as an influencer is a powerful monetization tool that goes beyond the average social media platform. That's why Facebook, Instagram, and other influencer collaboration platforms aren't up to scratch.

Want to build an in-app tipping system or influencer marketplace store? Consider it done. Want to create different levels of subscription for your audience to access exclusive content? Totally doable. Want to set up a space where you can live stream or have potential sponsors reach out to you?

The choice is all yours and the sky is the limit. No third-party app giant needed.

Your proposed team

Develops in both
Develops in both


Product Manager
Proficient in both front-end and back-end technologies, capable of working on all aspects of a web application or software project.
Develops in both
Develops in both


Project Manager
Responsible for estimating and delivering the project on time and on budget. Helps to define product deliverables and write user stories.
Develops in both
Develops in both


Creates the visual language of the application. Shapes the golden path of the customer journey during D&R.
Develops in both
Develops in both


Lead System Architect
Analyses the requirements and goals of the project. Assesses the load on the system. Identifies possible risks and bottlenecks. Leads the technical foundation.
Develops in both
Develops in both


DevOps Engineer
Setups up the Development / QA / UAT / PROD environments as well as the deployment / integration test systems. Configures Monitoring, Scaling policies, Security & permissions.
Develops in both
Develops in both


Quality Engineer
Analyzes the Project Specifications and defines the Test Plan. Ensures the developed product meets the specifications and performs the requested functionality.
Develops in both
Develops in both


Mobile Engineer
iOS , Android, Web & Backend experts responsible for realizing designer vision in code with all transitions and animations.
Develops in both
Develops in both client and server software. Master in HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery and Angular. Also, programs servers using Node and database's using SQL


Full Stack Engineer
Develops in both client and server software. Master in HTML, CSS, JS, JQuery and Angular. Also, programs servers using Node and database's using SQL
Develops in both
Develops in both


ML Engineer
Uses data analysis and machine learning techniques to extract insights, build predictive models and create data-driven solutions to complex problems.

Reporting Bugs and Defects

All issues (a.k.a bugs/defects) discovered by NineTwoThree QA Team will be handled within the development board described in section 2. If an issue is found during the testing of the Sprint tasks, the task status will be changed to Bug Fix.

Client may test along with NineTwoThree and report any issues that they may encounter.

Issues that are found are reported in the Updates section of the Task and include the following details:
Epic Description: The brief description of the need
Expected Results: How the system was supposed to perform based on the original requirement.
Steps to Reproduce: A screenshot, video recording or detailed step by step description of how the issue can be reproduced.
Each Sprint will have its own Bug Fixes Group to separate the planned functionality from the unplanned issues discovered after implementation. If any issues are found not directly tied to the functionality that is being tested, then they are listed in this section.

Each bug should be listed with the name of the feature and short description - i.e. Feature A - User cannot open tab.

“They’re able to synthesize requirements and provide alternative ways of thinking about things. They really go through that extra effort to make those suggestions, so you should take advantage of that. Their insights are very valuable and that distinguishes them from other providers.”


Weekly Meetings

We meet once a week to talk about the past, present and future of your application.
Once a week, NineTwoThree will have a weekly call with the Client. It is expected by the Agency that the decision maker of the Client to be on the call and will have the PM, Account Manager, and Lead System Architect on the Agency’s side. This ensures that the Agency can provide project updates, escalate any business concerns, and provide technical support to all aspects of the clients project.

NineTwoThree shall make improvement recommendations with expected risk / benefit / effort estimates to the Client. Improvements shall include but not be limited to infrastructure, deployment, ux, architecture, code structure and more. The decision maker of the Client shall consider and approve any improvements that require more than 2 work days of effort.

Meeting Notes

Every week NineTwoThree will have a weekly call with the Client. It is expected by the Agency that the decision maker of the Client to be on the call and will have the PM, Account Manager, and Lead System Architect on the Agency’s side. This ensures that the Agency can provide project updates, escalate any business concerns, and provide technical support to all aspects of the client's project.

NineTwoThree records every meeting with the Clients and allows all developers to watch customer weekly meetings. This allows NineTwoThree developers to work on their own time and maximize their code output without worrying about meeting distractions. More importantly, developers download the video to their phones and listen to it on a convenient time for them which might be when they are driving, walking or working out - again maximizing their code output.

Our Guarantee

During the Warranty Period actual software users test the software to make sure
it can handle required tasks in real-world scenarios, according to the specifications.
Client can request as many users as necessary to test the product. During this time if any bug or design feature is discovered to be different than the task, user story, or action item - the Agency will fix the request free of charge. However, if the request falls under the category of a "Change Request" as defined in this SOW, then another SOW will be written to address the change.
NineTwoThree promises that the project delivered meets the specifications agreed upon during the foundation phase and documented in the user stories. If for any reason, there
is a deviation from these specifications, these deviations will be resolved during
the warranty period - that is our guarantee.

Our typical timeline

1-2 weeks
4-5 Weeks
3-5 months
30 days

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