The Don'ts Of Mobile App Development

The Don'ts Of Mobile App Development
Developers and startups are able to launch apps that improve the lives of their users with a few simple swipes. The problem is the apps that don’t.

Mobile app development is a vast and constantly evolving field, with apps being designed and developed for all kinds of purposes around the globe. 

Most of the time, developers and startups are able to launch apps that genuinely improve the lives of their users and prove their value with a few simple swipes. The problem is the apps that don’t - the apps that end up forgotten along with the teams that built them.

Bad mobile development practices can often be found as one of the main causes of an app project dying. The question is, what are these don’ts for mobile app development and how can quality app teams avoid them?

Don’t #1: Building Without A Market

Building an app without finding a target market or audience first is a surefire way to kill your mobile app project. The best mobile apps are apps that actually solve a real-life problem for users, or genuinely improve the quality of their lives. You should not build an app if you haven’t found a problem that needs solving or an app solution that can be improved upon.  

Building an app for the sake of building an app is a mistake that many developers make. It’s important to validate your app idea before you even start development - this can be done through market research, surveys, interviews, and more. Once you’ve found your target market and audience, you can begin to design and build your app with them in mind.

Don’t #2: Neglecting Security

Smartphones are the companions we carry everywhere with us during our daily lives. This means that these devices are intricately connected to the processes we use to complete daily tasks - things like storing information for us, handling payments, and more.  Due to this, it’s important to pay extra attention to security when developing a mobile app.

One of the most common don’ts of mobile app development is neglecting security in favor of other app features. This can be a major mistake, as compromising the security of your app can have serious consequences for both you and your users. Make sure to consult with experts and include security at every stage of development, from planning to testing.

So what is the problem? Well, less experienced developers or developers working for companies with less integrity will either accidentally or purposefully leave out important security and permission principles that can put users at serious risk.

Don’t #3: Overcomplicating Features

It’s easy to be gung-ho and add everything but the kitchen sink into your app once you have a working proof of concept. This is a pitfall that can really take you by surprise if you aren’t aware enough to notice it.  When you have a great app idea, it’s only natural to want to include as many features as possible. However, this can often lead to your app becoming overloaded with too much functionality.

Your app users don’t need or want every single feature that you can possibly cram into your app - they just want the core features that solve their problems in the simplest way possible. Adding extra bells and whistles will only serve to make your app more complicated and harder to use, which will ultimately drive users away.

Strip back your app to its bare essentials and focus on making those core features as great as they can be. You can always add more features later down the line if they are genuinely needed and

Remember, users want simplicity done elegantly. That means you don’t need to do everything - just do one thing really really well and only add onto it based on what users are requesting.

Don’t #4: Underestimating User Experience

UX and UI design are some of the most important parts of building a successful app.  After all, users need to be able to understand and use your app for it to be successful.

This is a don’t for mobile app development because many developers don’t give user experience the attention it deserves. A lot of time and effort needs to go into making sure that the app is easy to use and navigate, while also being visually appealing.

UI can make or break an app because it’s the first thing users will see and interact with. If your app’s UI is confusing or difficult to use, users will quickly lose interest and delete your app. Likewise, a well-designed UI can make even a simple app more enjoyable to use.

Make sure to put in the time and effort to create a great user experience for your app - it’s worth it in the long run!

Don’t #5: Not Planning for Scale

When you’re first starting out, it’s easy to think that your app will never be successful enough to warrant worry about scale. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth - if you don’t plan for scale from the beginning, it can be very difficult (and costly) to add it later down the line.

At first, it may seem like there’s no need to worry about things like load balancing and server capacity. However, if your app takes off and suddenly has a lot of users, you could quickly find yourself in hot water if you don’t have the infrastructure in place to support them.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that your app won’t be successful - always plan for scale from the beginning!

Don’t #6: Forgetting About App Maintenance

Maintaining an app is just as important as building an app - if not more so. Apps need to be updated on a regular basis in order to keep up with changes in the operating system, user feedback, and new features that need to be added.

Many developers make the mistake of thinking the job is done after launching.

In reality, the job has only just begun. 

If you don’t plan for app maintenance from the beginning, you could quickly find yourself with an outdated and unusable app on your hands.

Make sure to budget for app maintenance and set aside time on a regular basis to update your app. It’s an ongoing process that needs to be given attention in order for your app to be successful in the long run.

Don’t #7: Relying on Ads for Revenue

Ads can be a great way to generate revenue for your app - but they shouldn’t be the only way. Relying too heavily on ads can often lead to problems down the line, such as decreased user satisfaction and lower overall revenue.

While ads can be a great way to generate revenue, they should never be the only source of income for your app. Users don’t like to be bombarded with ads, and if they feel like they are being constantly interrupted by them, they will quickly lose interest and delete your app.

It’s important to strike a balance when it comes to ads - don’t rely on them too heavily, but don’t completely eliminate them either. Find a happy medium that will allow you to generate revenue without driving users away.

Don’t #8: Not Tracking Key Metrics

Tracking key metrics is essential for any successful mobile app. Without tracking metrics, it’s impossible to know how your app is performing or what areas need improvement.

There are a lot of different metrics that you could track, but some of the most important ones include things like app downloads, active users, and retention rate.

Make sure to set up tracking for key metrics from the beginning - it will make it much easier to monitor your app’s progress and identify areas that need improvement.

Don’t #9: Not Planning for Monetization

Monetizing your app is one of the most important aspects of mobile app development. Without a monetization strategy, it will be very difficult to generate revenue from your app.

There are a number of different ways to monetize an app, and the right approach for your app will depend on a number of factors.

Some common monetization strategies include things like in-app purchases, subscription models, and ads.

It’s important to think about monetization from the beginning - if you don’t have a plan for how you’re going to generate revenue, it will be very difficult to make money from your app.

Avoiding These Dangers In Your Mobile App Development

Now that we’ve gone over some of the don’ts for mobile app development, it’s time to talk about how you can avoid them. The first step is always to do your research. If you’re not sure about something, don’t be afraid to ask around or look for resources that can help you out.

When it comes to building an app, always remember to think about your users first and foremost. What pain points are they trying to solve? How can you make their lives easier? Answering these questions will help you steer clear of many of the mobile app development don’ts on this list.

Additionally, make sure to work with a mobile app development company that has a proven track record of success. The last thing you want is to entrust your custom app project to someone who is inexperienced or doesn’t have the necessary skillset. Do your due diligence and only work with the best in the business.

By following these tips, you can avoid the don’ts for mobile app development and set your project up for success.

Alternatively, you can work with a leading mobile development company that has built over fifty client ventures to the value of $1 billion dollars with a playbook that can work for your app

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