What Is The Difference Between An Enterprise App And A Web App?

What Is The Difference Between An Enterprise App And A Web App?
Web application development is a giant industry that provides solutions for a variety of needs - this includes serving B2B and enterprise-level companies.

Not every web application is built for the same audience. Some are launched as B2C applications aimed directly at the average consumer, while others go a level beyond to serve other businesses as a B2B Web Applications offering. Introducing the enterprise application- a custom enterprise solution built to meet the specific needs of an enterprise company.

The different types of enterprise companies can span various industries which is why they will oftentimes decide to build a custom internal solution instead of reaching for something already on the market. Industries like healthcare, finance, and government are highly regulated which means they need enterprise applications that can support compliance, business intelligence, security, and much more.

Let's take a closer look at the difference between general web applications and enterprise applications.

Understanding Web Applications

Web application development is a giant industry that provides solutions for a variety of needs. Typically serving the B2C market, these applications can be launched by anyone from experienced startup studios to newly-launched startups.

Some examples of common web applications serving the public include:

- Social media platforms

- Custom community apps

- Messaging apps

- Shopping applications

- Email clients

- Calendar applications

You can find web applications for nearly anything you can think of, and new ones are being created every day. The B2C web application industry is expected to reach a valuation of $638 billion by 2025.

While the general public has access to both mobile apps and web applications, enterprise companies often need a more tailored solution. This is where enterprise applications that revolutionize business processes come in.

The Development Process for Web Applications

Web application development generally follows a very standard process that can be broken down into a few key steps:

- Planning and wireframing

- Design

- Coding

- Testing

- Launch

Of course, every project is different so there is some degree of flexibility when it comes to this process. However, in general, these steps will be followed fairly closely.

What Are Enterprise Applications?

An enterprise application is a software program that's designed to meet the specific needs of an enterprise company. These businesses are usually large in size with complex organizational structures. They also operate within highly regulated industries, such as healthcare, finance, and government.

When talking about enterprise applications, we are referring to web applications specifically built to serve enterprise companies although mobile applications can also be applicable here. These organizations have specific requirements that must be taken into account during the development process.

Enterprise applications are designed to support a company's core processes and business goals through web or mobile development. This means they are much more complex than your average web application. They need to be secure, scalable, and reliable while still being easy to use for a variety of products and services.

These applications must also meet compliance standards for things like HIPAA and PCI DSS. Depending on the industry, enterprise applications may need to support other compliance standards as well.

The Development Process for Enterprise Applications

The web development process for enterprise applications is very different from that of web applications. These solutions are custom-built to meet the specific needs of an enterprise company.

This means the development process can vary greatly from project to project. However, there are a few key steps that will usually be followed:

- Discovery and planning

- Architecture and design

- Development

- Quality assurance

- Launch

As you can see, the enterprise application development process is much more involved than that of web applications. This is because enterprise applications are much more complex. They need to be able to support a large number of users, high traffic levels, and compliance standards.

This is why enterprise applications require a more comprehensive development process.

This level of complexity can only be achieved by working with a qualified development team. Enterprise companies should look for a venture studio that has experience building enterprise applications.

The Enterprise Application Development Process

The enterprise application is a long-term investment for a company. It requires more careful planning, a greater understanding of the enterprise company’s specific needs, and a development team that is qualified to execute the project.

Although developing an enterprise application has an upfront cost, the benefits are numerous. These applications are designed to grow with a company and support its core processes. They can improve efficiency, increase productivity, and help enterprise companies stay compliant with industry regulations.

At the same time, the enterprise application development process is much different than the process used to develop a web application for the general public. This is because enterprise applications need to be built with a lot more care and attention to detail.

The enterprise application development process can be broken down into the following steps:

- Discovery and planning

- Design

- Architecture

- Coding

- Testing and QA

- Launch

As you can see, there are a few additional steps involved in enterprise application development. This is because enterprise applications need to be incredibly well-planned and designed before any coding can begin - and that includes the full user experience.

Additionally, enterprise applications need to be tested rigorously before they can be launched. This is to ensure that they meet all of the necessary compliance standards and that they are secure and reliable.

Building Internally Versus Outsourcing Innovation

The big question for many enterprise companies is whether they should build their own internal team to create their applications, or whether they should outsource development to an agency with an existing tech team. This process, commonly referred to as staff augmentation or team augmentation, can help based on their history of successful apps developed.

There are pros and cons to both approaches. Building an internal team gives enterprise companies more control over the development process. They can manage deadlines, budgets, and scope more easily.

However, it can be difficult to find the right talent for an enterprise company’s specific needs. Additionally, enterprise companies may not have the time or resources to manage an internal team. In this case, it may be better to follow the staff augmentation model for enterprise application development.

Outsourcing enterprise application development has a number of advantages. First, enterprise companies can tap into the experience and expertise of an agency’s tech team. This can save a lot of time and money.

Second, enterprise companies can be more flexible with their budget when they outsource. This is because they only need to pay for the services they require.

Third, enterprise companies can scale up or down more easily when they outsource enterprise application development. This is because they can add or remove team members as needed.

What's key to bear in mind is that the development agency chosen for the development work needs to have a track record of bringing enterprise solutions to life.

Why Work With NineTwoThree Studio?

When it comes to enterprise applications, there are a few key differences that set them apart from web applications. For starters, enterprise applications need to be able to handle a large amount of data and users. They also need to be highly secure, scalable, and reliable.

They also need to be highly scalable and reliable. Additionally, enterprise applications need to have a robust security system in place to protect sensitive data.

Developing enterprise applications is a complex process that requires a team of experienced developers. NineTwoThree Studio has the expertise necessary to build enterprise-grade custom solutions. With over a decade of experience in delivering client apps for all industries, we have the development team needed to ensure that your application needs are met within scope.

If you're looking for a partner to help you build a custom enterprise application, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about our staff augmentation services.

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